The additional dimension of time, offers a far more dynamic approach to project delivery, where the engineering department can foresee technical and engineering difficulties and resolve them efficiently and the supply chain can in turn keep track with the current project requirements. Clients will benefit from analyzer single-source, principal-level project responsibility and accountability.
BIM 3D virtual presentations/ visualization:
Understanding the client’s visualization of the project is equally as important as generating a 3D BIM.
Through in-house capabilities and strategic alliances, we can generate photorealistic images and animations for your project. Since an accurate BIM has already been generated, we can export it to the appropriate visualization software package, select the desired view, and compose images. Presentations are performed with the project’s teams by utilizing real-time reviews that ease communication and coordination between all parties.
BIM modeling architectural and structural services:
According to required BIM output, we can create simple models with lower LOD (Level of development) that generate clash detection reports; further, more complex models can produce quantity take-Offs, or even LOD 400 Fabrication models to extract shop drawings and spools, as well as data rich LOD 500 models for 6D facility management purposes.